YOU can help us provide a Thanksgiving meal to Eastside families in need!
Every $75 raised will feed one family!!
|Your donation will help 200 local families!
We are hearing reports that the need is even greater this year on the Eastside. For the last 10 years our small group of volunteers at Eastside Basket Brigade has worked extremely hard to make sure Eastside neighbors in need don’t have to worry about a Thanksgiving meal.

Together We Make A Difference
Every $75 raised will feed one family!!
Your donation will help 200 local families!
Helping Families In Need
Because of COVID we are not able to do our normal food drives and silent auction to fundraise for this cause. Because of this, we are asking YOU to help families in need by making a donation on this site to support our efforts. Your donation will ensure that 200 local Eastside families will have a Thanksgiving meal that might otherwise go without.
Thank you for helping us make a difference for Eastside families so they will have a wonderful Thanksgiving this year!
Sincerely, Eastside Basket Brigade Volunteer Team